Connections =========== Connection chain specifications ------------------------------- The normalised form is a list of lists, where the car of each inner list is a keyword symbol identifying a connection type, and the cdr of each inner list is arguments to that connection, e.g.:: ((:ssh :foo foo :bar bar) (:sudo :baz baz :quux quux)) There are two notational simplifications permitted when passing connection chain specifications to properties, functions and macros. Firstly, for each inner list which contains only a single keyword identifying a connection type and no arguments, this list may be replaced with only the keyword identifying the connection type, e.g.:: (:ssh (:sudo :baz baz :quux quux)) Secondly, when there is exactly one connection and it takes no arguments, you may specify just the keyword identifying the connection type, e.g. ``:ssh``. Note that if there is a single connection but it takes arguments, you will need two sets of parentheses, i.e.:: ((:ssh :foo foo :bar bar)) rather than:: (:ssh :foo foo :bar bar) which is invalid. Defining connection types ------------------------- The code which establishes connections (i.e., implementations of the ``ESTABLISH-CONNECTION`` generic) is like code in ``:posix`` properties -- it should restrict its I/O to ``RUN``, ``RUNLINES``, ``READ-REMOTE-FILE`` and ``WRITE-REMOTE-FILE``, functions which access the currently active connection. This is in order to permit the arbitrary nesting of connections. If establishing a connection really does require more I/O, such as in the case of ``:CHROOT.FORK`` connections, code can call ``LISP-CONNECTION-P``, and either signal an error, or fall back to another connection type. Connection attributes ("connattrs") ----------------------------------- Information about hosts which cannot be known without looking at the host, or for other reasons should not be recorded in consfigs, can be stored as connection attributes, associated with the current connection. Typically property combinators set and unset connattrs, and property ``:APPLY`` and ``:UNAPPLY`` subroutines read them. They can be used to create context for the application of properties. Connection attributes are stored in a plist. Property combinators use the ``WITH-CONNATTRS`` macro to set them, and properties use ``GET-CONNATTR`` to read them. Like hostattrs, connection attributes are identified by keywords for connattrs which are expected to be used in many contexts, and by other symbols for connattrs which will be used only among a co-operating group of properties and property combinators. However, unlike hostattrs, each connattr need not be a list to which new items are pushed. By default the list of connattrs is reset when establishing a new connection within the context of an existing connection. However, for some connattrs it makes sense to propagate them along to the new connection. For example, a list of connected hardware of a particular type might still be useful in the context of a connection which chroots, as /dev might still give access to this hardware. Implementations of the ``PROPAGATE-CONNATTR`` generic function can be used to enable propagation where it makes sense. Methods can copy and modify connattrs as appropriate; in the chroot example, paths might be updated so that they are relative to the new filesystem root. The propagation of connattrs is currently limited to the establishing of connections within the same Lisp image; i.e., connection types which start up new Lisp images never propagate any existing connattrs. Reserved names for connection attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The semantics of connattrs identified by keywords are documented here. [list incomplete] Notes on particular connection types ------------------------------------ ``:SUDO`` ~~~~~~~~~ Passing the ``:AS`` option to this connection means that Consfigurator will assume a password is required for all commands, and not passing ``:AS`` means that Consfigurator will assume a password is not required for any commands. Consfigurator sends your sudo password on stdin, so if the assumption that a password is required is violated, your sudo password will end up in the stdin to whatever command is being run using sudo. There is no facility for directly passing in a passphrase; you must use ``:AS`` to obtain passwords from sources of prerequisite data. The passphrase will be written to a private temporary file which is deleted when the ``:SUDO`` connection is torn down. If any connection types which start up remote Lisp images occur before a ``:SUDO`` entry in your connection chain, ``ESTABLISH-CONNECTION`` will need to inform the newly-started remote Lisp image of any sudo passwords needed for establishing the remaining hops. Depending on how the connection type feeds instructions to the remote Lisp image, this may involve writing your sudo password to a file under ``~/.cache`` on the machine which runs the remote Lisp image. At least ``:SBCL`` avoids this by sending your password in on stdin. Even with ``:SBCL``, if the Lisp image dumps a copy of itself to disk, e.g. for the purposes of cronjobs, then your sudo password will be contained in that saved image. Typically a ``:SUDO`` connection hop is used before hops which start up remote Lisp images, so these issues will not arise for most users. ``:SETUID`` ~~~~~~~~~~~ As this connection type subclasses FORK-CONNECTION, it shouldn't leak root-accessible secrets to a process running under the unprivileged UID. However, when using the :AS connection type, the unprivileged process will have access to all the hostattrs of the host. Potentially, something like ptrace(2) could be used to extract those. But hostattrs should not normally contain any secrets, and at least on Linux, the unprivileged process will not be ptraceable because it was once privileged. Connections which fork: ``:CHROOT.FORK``, ``:SETUID`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These connection types cannot be used as the first hop, i.e., directly out of the root Lisp. This is because they must call fork(2), and Consfigurator only makes this system call in contexts in which there shouldn't ever be more than one thread (excluding Lisp implementation finaliser threads and the like). The root Lisp is not such a context, because it is often multithreaded due to the use of SLIME. This is, however, not much of a restriction, because typically the root Lisp is running under a UID which cannot use system calls like chroot(2) and setuid(2) anyway. Thus, typical usage on localhost would be something like:: (deploy (:sudo :sbcl (:chroot.fork :into "...")) ...) Connections which use setns(2) to enter containers -------------------------------------------------- When the current connection is a Lisp-type connection, connection types which enter Linux containers, such as ``:LXC`` and ``:SYSTEMD-MACHINED``, invoke the setns(2) system call directly. The implementation of this is the connection type ``CONSFIGURATOR.CONNECTION.LINUX-NAMESPACE::SETNS``. The implementation of the ``POST-FORK`` generic for that connection type is structured similarly to the nsenter(1) command from util-linux. This has the advantage that ``CONSFIGURATOR.CONNECTION.LINUX-NAMESPACE::SETNS`` should be reusable for implementing connection types which enter other kinds of Linux container; the container runtime-specific code is limited to determining the PID of the container's leading process. However, there are some security implications to this approach. Firstly, the current implementation does not join the control group of the container's leading process, and thus the Consfigurator process running inside the container is not subject to resource limits applied to the container. It might be possible for a process in the container to exploit this to escape its resource limits. Secondly, we do not attempt to enter the LSM security context of the container, such as the container's SELinux execution context or AppArmor profile. This is because LSM usage is container runtime-specific. In the case of unprivileged containers which make use of user namespaces, however, failing to enter the LSM security context typically does not breach container security. For such containers, employment of an LSM serves as an extra layer of protection against kernel exploits, not as part of the enforcement of the container's basic security model. API reference ------------- Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~ Generic function: ``ESTABLISH-CONNECTION`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(establish-connection type remaining &key)`` Within the context of the current connection, connect to HOST by establishing a new connection of type TYPE. Either returns an object suitable to be the value of *CONNECTION*, or calls either CONTINUE-DEPLOY* or CONTINUE-DEPLOY*-PROGRAM and returns nil. Any implementation which calls CONTINUE-DEPLOY*-PROGRAM will need to call UPLOAD-ALL-PREREQUISITE-DATA. Generic function: ``CONTINUE-CONNECTION`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(continue-connection connection remaining)`` Called by implementations of ESTABLISH-CONNECTION which return nil. Calls CONTINUE-DEPLOY* or CONTINUE-DEPLOY*-PROGRAM. Generic function: ``PREPROCESS-CONNECTION-ARGS`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(preprocess-connection-args type &key)`` Hook to allow connection types to do work in the root Lisp before Consfigurator begins the attempt to establish the connection chain. The return value is used as replacement keyword arguments to the connection. For an example of usage, see the :SUDO connection type. Class: ``CONNECTION`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Class: ``LISP-CONNECTION`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Class: ``POSIX-CONNECTION`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Function: ``LISP-CONNECTION-P`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(lisp-connection-p)`` Generic function: ``CONNECTION-RUN`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(connection-run connection cmd input)`` Subroutine to run shell commands on the host. INPUT is a string to send to the shell command's stdin, or a stream which will be emptied into the shell command's stdin. Implementations can specialise on both the CONNECTION and INPUT arguments, if they need to handle streams and strings differently. Returns (values OUT EXIT) where OUT is either merged stdout and stderr or stderr followed by stdout, and EXIT is the exit code. Should not signal any error condition just because EXIT is non-zero. Generic function: ``CONNECTION-READ-FILE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(connection-read-file connection path)`` Subroutine to read the contents of files on the host. Generic function: ``CONNECTION-READ-AND-REMOVE-FILE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(connection-read-and-remove-file connection path)`` As READ-REMOTE-FILE and then delete the file. For some connection types, when latency is high, combining these two operations is noticeably faster than doing one after the other. For every use of RUN we read and delete the file containing the command's stdout, so the time savings add up. Generic function: ``CONNECTION-WRITE-FILE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(connection-write-file connection path content mode)`` Subroutine to replace/create the contents of files on the host. CONTENT is the new contents of the file or a stream which will produce it. MODE is the numeric mode that the file should have by the time this function returns. Implementations should ensure that CONTENT is not stored on disk with a mode greater than MODE, and also that if CONTENT is stored on disk outside of (UIOP:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME PATH), then it does not have a mode greater than 700. It is recommended that implementations write CONTENT to a temporary file in (UIOP:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME PATH), change the mode of that file to MODE, and then rename to PATH. WITH-REMOTE-TEMPORARY-FILE can be used to do this. Implementations can specialise on both the CONNECTION and CONTENT arguments, if they need to handle streams and strings differently. Generic function: ``CONNECTION-TEAR-DOWN`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(connection-tear-down connection)`` Subroutine to disconnect from the host. Generic function: ``CONNECTION-CONNATTR`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(connection-connattr connection k)`` Get the connattr identified by K for CONNECTION. Generic function: ``PROPAGATE-CONNATTR`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(propagate-connattr type connattr connection)`` Possibly propagate CONNATTR, a connattr identified by TYPE, through to the newly-established CONNECTION. Implementations should specialise on TYPE and CONNECTION, not modify any of their arguments, and either return the new connattr, or nil if nothing should be propagated. Functions to access the slots of the current connection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Condition class: ``RUN-FAILED`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Macro: ``WITH-REMOTE-TEMPORARY-FILE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(with-remote-temporary-file file &body body)`` Execute BODY with FILE containing the path to a freshly created remote file, which will be cleaned up when BODY is finished. Function: ``MKSTEMP-CMD`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(mkstemp-cmd &optional template)`` Function: ``MKTEMP`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(mktemp &key connection directory)`` Make a temporary file on the remote side, in DIRECTORY, defaulting to /tmp. Macro: ``WITH-REMOTE-CURRENT-DIRECTORY`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(with-remote-current-directory dir &body forms)`` Execute FORMS with the current working directory DIR. This affects the working directory for commands run using RUN and MRUN, and the resolution of relative pathnames passed as the first argument of READ-REMOTE-FILE and WRITE-REMOTE-FILE. For Lisp-type connections, it additionally temporarily sets the working directory of the Lisp process using UIOP:WITH-CURRENT-DIRECTORY. Function: ``RUN`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(run &rest args)`` Synchronous execution of shell commands using the current connection. ARGS can contain keyword-value pairs (and singular keywords) to specify aspects of this function's behaviour, and remaining elements of ARGS are the shell command and its parameters, or, as a special case, a single string specifying the shell command, with any necessary escaping already performed. It is recommended that all keywords and corresponding values come first, followed by argument(s) specifying the shell command to execute. You can additionally supply lists of arguments and these will be spliced into the resulting list of arguments to be passed to the command. I.e. (run "a" (list "b" "c")) is equivalent to (run "a" "b" "c"). Keyword arguments accepted: - :FOR-EXIT / :MAY-FAIL -- don't signal an error condition if the command does not exit nonzero, usually because it is being called partly or only for its exit code - :INFORM -- send a copy of the output to *STANDARD-OUTPUT* - :INPUT INPUT -- pass the content of the string or stream INPUT on stdin - :ENV ENVIRONMENT -- where ENVIRONMENT is a plist specifying environment variable names and values, use env(1) to set these variables when running the command. An environment variable value of nil means that the variable should be unset. Returns command's stdout, stderr and exit code, unless :FOR-EXIT, in which case return only the exit code. Function: ``MRUN`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(mrun &rest args)`` Like RUN but don't separate stdout and stderr ("m" for "merged"; note that this might mean interleaved or simply concatenated, depending on the connection chain). Some (but not all) connection types will want to use this when implementing ESTABLISH-CONNECTION, CONNECTION-RUN, CONNECTION-WRITE-FILE etc. to avoid the overhead of splitting the output streams only to immediately recombine them. Code in property definitions which will not examine command output should usually use this in preference to RUN for a performance boost; an exception is when the command sends a lot of text to stdout which might make it harder for the user to pick out error messages. Code which examines command output should use RUN and only examine the stream from which the output to be read is expected. Function: ``RUNLINES`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(runlines &rest args)`` Function: ``REMOTE-TEST`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(remote-test &rest args)`` Function: ``REMOTE-MOUNT-POINT-P`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(remote-mount-point-p path)`` Is PATH a mount point? Uses mountpoint(1) from util-linux, so add a property requiring OS:LINUX or a subclass to the :HOSTATTRS subroutine of properties calling this. Function: ``DELETE-REMOTE-TREES`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(delete-remote-trees &rest paths)`` Recursively delete each of PATHS. Function: ``EMPTY-REMOTE-DIRECTORY`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(empty-remote-directory directory)`` Recursively delete the contents of DIRECTORY, but not DIRECTORY itself. Function: ``REMOTE-EXISTS-P`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(remote-exists-p &rest paths)`` Does each of PATHS exist? PATH may be any kind of file, including directories. Function: ``REMOTE-EXISTS-EVERY-P`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(remote-exists-every-p &rest paths)`` Does each of PATHS exist? PATH may be any kind of file, including directories. Function: ``REMOTE-EXISTS-SOME-P`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(remote-exists-some-p &rest paths)`` Do any of PATHS exist? PATH may be any kind of file, including directories. Function: ``REMOTE-FILE-STATS`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(remote-file-stats path)`` Get the numeric mode, size in bytes, mtime, owner and group of PATH, or NIL if it does not exist. The mtime is only accurate to the nearest UTC day, rounding down, if the file was modified in the past six months or its mtime is in the future, and only accurate to the nearest minute, rounding down, otherwise (see the specification of POSIX ls(1)). Function: ``REMOTE-LAST-REBOOT`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(remote-last-reboot)`` Get the time of the last reboot, rounded down to the nearest minute. Function: ``REMOTE-EXECUTABLE-FIND`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(remote-executable-find executable)`` Function: ``READ-REMOTE-FILE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(read-remote-file path)`` Function: ``WRITE-REMOTE-FILE`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(write-remote-file path content &key mode)`` Function: ``GET-CONNATTR`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(get-connattr k)`` Get the connattr identified by K for the current connection. Macro: ``WITH-CONNATTRS`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``(with-connattrs &rest &body forms)`` Execute FORMS with connattrs replaced as specified by CONNATTRS, a plist.