API reference
Function: AT-END
(at-end function)
Request that FUNCTION be called at the end of the current (sub)deployment. Called by property :APPLY and :UNAPPLY subroutines. FUNCTION will be passed a single argument representing whether or not the deployment made a change.
Properties which call this are responsible for ensuring that the I/O performed by FUNCTION is compatible with the connection type. This amounts to the following requirement: if FUNCTION performs I/O beyond what :POSIX property :APPLY subroutines are permitted to perform, the property calling AT-END to register FUNCTION must be declared to be a :LISP property.
(consfigure propspec-expression &key collect-at-end)
Immediately preprocess and apply PROPSPEC-EXPRESSION in the context of the current target host and connection. This function is provided for use by specialised property combinators. It should not be used in property definitions nor in consfigs (except via the UNAPPLY macro).
The :HOSTATTRS subroutines of properties applied by PROPSPEC-EXPRESSION will be executed, but any new hostattrs they push will be discarded. Thus either PROPSPEC-EXPRESSION should not apply any properties whose :HOSTATTRS subroutines push new hostattrs, or the caller should seperately arrange for those subroutines to be executed in a context in which newly pushed hostattrs will not be discarded.
Function: DEPLOY*
(deploy* connections host &optional additional-properties)
Execute the deployment which is defined by the pair (CONNECTIONS . HOST), except possibly with the property application specification ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES also applied to HOST.
This is the entry point to Consfigurator’s primary loop. Typically users use DEPLOY, DEPLOY-THESE, and the function definitions established by DEFDEPLOY, DEFDEPLOY-THESE, etc., rather than calling this function directly. However, code which programmatically constructs deployments will need to call this.
(deploy-these* connections host properties)
Like DEPLOY*, but replace the properties of HOST with PROPERTIES.
HOST has all its usual static informational attributes, as set by its usual properties, plus any set by PROPERTIES. Static informational attributes set by PROPERTIES can override the host’s usual static informational attributes, in the same way that later entries in the list of properties specified in DEFHOST forms can override earlier entries (see DEFHOST’s docstring).
(continue-deploy* connection remaining-connections)
Complete the work of an enclosing call to DEPLOY* or DEPLOY-THESE*.
Used by implementations of ESTABLISH-CONNECTION which need to do something like fork(2) and then return to Consfigurator’s primary loop in the child.
(deploy connections host &body additional-properties)
Establish CONNECTIONS to HOST, and apply each of the host’s usual properties, followed by specified by ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES, an unevaluated property application specification.
CONNECTION is a keyword identifying a connection type, a list beginning with such a keyword and followed by keyword arguments required to establish the connection, or a list of such lists.
Then HOST has all its usual static informational attributes, plus any set by ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES. Static informational attributes set by ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES can override the host’s usual static informational attributes, in the same way that later entries in the list of properties specified in DEFHOST forms can override earlier entries (see DEFHOST’s docstring).
The evaluation of ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES to produce a property application specification may retrieve existing hostattrs, but should not set any new ones (not to be confused with how the :HOSTATTRS subroutines of properties in ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES may set additional hostattrs).
(deploy-these connections host &body properties)
Like DEPLOY, except apply each of the properties specified by PROPERTIES, and not the host’s usual properties, unless they also appear in PROPERTIES. PROPERTIES is an unevaluated property application specification.
This function is useful to apply one or two properties to a host right now, e.g. at the REPL when when testing new property definitions. If HOST is usually deployed using a Lisp-type connection, and the property you are testing is :POSIX, you might use a connection type like :SSH so that you can quickly alternate between redefining your work-in-progress property and seeing what happens when you apply it to HOST.
HOST has all its usual static informational attributes, as set by its usual properties, plus any set by PROPERTIES. Static informational attributes set by PROPERTIES can override the host’s usual static informational attributes, in the same way that later entries in the list of properties specified in DEFHOST forms can override earlier entries (see DEFHOST’s docstring).
The evaluation of PROPERTIES to produce a property application specification may retrieve existing hostattrs, but should not set any new ones (not to be confused with how the :HOSTATTRS subroutines of properties in PROPERTIES may set additional hostattrs).
(defdeploy name connections &body additional-properties)
Define a function which does (DEPLOY CONNECTIONS HOST ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES). You can then eval (NAME) to execute this deployment.
(defdeploy-these name connections &body properties)
Define a function which does (DEPLOY-THESE CONNECTIONS HOST PROPERTIES). You can then eval (NAME) to execute this deployment.
(hostdeploy* host &optional additional-properties)
Like DEPLOY*, but use the host’s default deployment.
(hostdeploy-these* host properties)
Like DEPLOY-THESE*, but use the host’s default deployment.
(hostdeploy host &body additional-properties)
Like DEPLOY, but use the host’s default deployment.
(hostdeploy-these host &body properties)
Like DEPLOY-THESE, but use the host’s default deployment.
(localsudo &rest properties)
Deploy PROPERTIES to localhost using a :SUDO connection.
It is assumed that on this system the shell command ‘hostname -f’ will return the full hostname, and that sudo is configured to ask for a password. Useful for testing properties at the REPL. See also EVALS.
(localhd &rest properties)
Deploy PROPERTIES to localhost using HOSTDEPLOY-THESE*.
It is assumed that on this system the shell command ‘hostname -f’ will return the full hostname. Useful for testing properties at the REPL. See also EVALS.
Property: DEPLOYS
(deploys connections host &optional additional-properties)
Execute the deployment which is defined by the pair (CONNECTIONS . HOST), except possibly with the property application specification ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES also applied to HOST, like DEPLOY.
Useful to have one host act a controller, applying properties to other hosts. Also useful to set up VMs, chroots, disk images etc. on localhost.
(deploys-these connections host properties)
Like DEPLOYS, except apply to HOST each of the properties specified by PROPERTIES, and not the host’s usual properties, unless they also appear in PROPERTIES, like DEPLOY-THESE.
Property: EVALS
(evals &rest forms)
Property which just evaluates each of FORMS using EVAL. Only for testing newly defined functions and programmatic applications of properties at the REPL with DEPLOY-THESE/HOSTDEPLOY-THESE – do not add to hosts.
For example, to sudo to root to test your new function which needs root privileges to do anything at all,
(deploy-these :sudo (evals '(my-new-function)))
where is your laptop.
Note that while this property is declared to be :POSIX for flexibility, whether it is actually :POSIX depends on what input and output FORMS perform.