- Sean Whitton
- Offices: Social Sciences 130, 138 and 140 (basement level; please look for me in all three rooms)
- Fall 2017 office hours: Fridays 1pm–3pm
None yet. See D2L for the course syllabus.
Section synopsis
The purposes of the discussion section are to
- clarify any parts of the course material which you aren’t sure you understood; and
- engage philosophically with the course material by talking about it as a group.
Although I have studied the authors we’ll be reading before, I’m hoping that by discussing them with you I’ll learn something new. So please feel free to speak up regarding (1) and (2).
Barring extraordinary circumstances, I will respond to all e-mails within 48 hours. Please do not expect a response sooner than 24 hours after you send your e-mail (and don’t expect to receive a reply on Saturday or Sunday). Please do not e-mail Prof. Russell just because you haven’t heard back from me, unless it’s highly urgent.
No smart phones, dumb phones, laptops or tablets may be used during discussion sections. There are no exceptions without my explicit permission.
There is scientific evidence that you will remember more by taking notes on paper.
The end of class
Don’t start to pack away your things until I have finished speaking. It’s disrespectful of me and other students who are trying to listen.
Don’t expect me to answer either logistical or philosophical questions at the end of class. With the exception of section B, I have to move to another classroom at the end of the section and cannot be delayed. Instead, use e-mail or office hours.
Accessibility and Accommodations
If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability, please let me know so that we can discuss options. If you have reasonable accommodations, please plan to meet with me by appointment or during office hours to discuss accommodations and how my course requirements and activities may impact your ability to fully participate.