Why isn’t there more philosophy in Doctor Who? There is a lot of science—obviously not actual science since by definition it’s not science we’re capable of doing—so, there’s the consequences of having that kind of science and how it means we are to interact. But there is no philosophy going on. The Doctor’s ethics are very ordinary, but he’s lived for 900 years; he must surely have something more interesting to say. Something controversial to get people thinking. And he knows more than any human has ever known; surely he must have some thoughts on epistemology too.

’Cos the Doctor wants to actually help humanity? :P
Comment by jgh Mon 13 Jun 2011 15:20:22 UTC
comment N8LU6K8DP7R3SWFJ

This leads to another puzzle: Why is a 900-year-old timelord played by a twenty-something on TV?

As much as I enjoy Matt Smith’s acting, The Doctor is not, should not be, a young character.

The BBC’s principle is probably that action creates good ratings, and an old man thinking a lot probably doesn’t.

Comment by t Mon 13 Jun 2011 17:53:02 UTC

Because that would make for a terrible, terrible TV show :P. Also: he is a practical fellow.

Thomas: your assumption is that a young body is the same thing as a young mind. But Time Lords have the power of regeneration: ageing is an optional thing for them. What with all the running down corridors the Doctor’s hijinks involve, a body with flexible knees is probably a must-have.

Comment by jr512 Thu 16 Jun 2011 02:00:21 UTC